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Monash University Handbooks


Geographical information systems (GIS) for social science applications


Associate Professor Jim Peterson

6 points + 6 hours a fortnight + First or second or summer semester + Clayton + Mixed Mode

Synopsis: The legacy of non-digital cartography, general nature of spatial data and of digital spatial data and data bases and of thematic mapping, analogue to digital data conversion, the data quality problem (tests, error propagation), georeferencing and raster and vector approaches to data base structure with special reference to vector data, attribute data bases, data and analysis problems peculiar to vector data, spatial analysis using vector data, the nature of census data, mapping with vector data (census, postcode, LGA, applications (eg life-style patterns, facilities access, demographic patterns, customer catchments) the data market, nature of project management and issues.

Assessment: Assignment (2500 words): 25% + Practical examination plus practical exercises 50% + Unseen written theory exam 25%

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