GRS1002Gonadal development and function(MED)
Dr K Loveland 6 points + 6 weeks (first 5 weeks students attend two 1-hour lectures and a 1-hour tutorial each week and 2 hours of journal review) and 1 week practical project + MMC + First semester Synopsis: Cellular and whole organ events involved in reproductive endocrinology and development, and the interactions between the reproductive organs are covered in this unit. The development and differentiation of the male and female reproductive systems through the examination of oocyte and follicular development; ovarian cycles including oestrous and menstrual cycles; testicular function and cell/cell interactions in the testis and fertilisation are also taught. Students will also undertake a research project to gain experience in planning projects and reporting findings. Assessment: Open-book written examination (1.5 hours): 50% + Literature review (3000 words): 25% + Written project report: 15% + Poster presentation + Oral presentation: 5% + Practical competence: 5% |
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