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Second language acquisition and attrition


H Kreutz

6 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Clayton + Corequisites: A third-year language unit + Prohibition: GRN2135, LIN2550 or LIN3550

Synopsis: Issues to be covered include the distinction between language learning and acquisition; the social context of these; the relation between first, second and bilingual acquisition; interlanguage and interface; grammaticalisation phases; factors in successful second language acquisition; bilingual education; field work; attrition as the inverse of acquisition; activation and reactivation of language skills. In the tutorial the acquisition and learning of German will be discussed.

Assessment: Essay (2000 words): 40% + research exercie (500 words): 10% + Three class tests (40 minutes each): 40% + Class paper (400 words): 10% Third year students will be expected to read more widely than second-year students.

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