CLS3030Reading Freud and Jung(ART)
Christiane Weller 6 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Clayton Synopsis: Introduction to the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, based on a close reading of seminal texts. Key concepts of Freud's psychoanalysis in their historical intellectual context: the unconscious and its role in mental life, sexual theory and the structure of personality, the interpretation of dreams, the critique of civilization and religion. Examination of Jung's understanding of the personal and collective unconscious, dreams, achetypes and symbols, the structure of the psyche, psychological types, modern man and religion. Exploration of the application of psychoanalysis in literature, the arts and social psychology, the logic and limits of psychoanalytic interpretation. Assessment: One class paper (1000 words): 20% + Essay (2500 words): 60% + Textual commentary under exam conditions (1 hour/1000 words): 20% |
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