a health care environment that is rapidly changing, one constant factor is that
people who are dying, and their loved ones, need control over their lives.
Nurses who have successfully completed this course of study will be equipped
with the skills and knowledge to participate within a multidisciplinary team in
the provision of physical, emotional and spiritual support for people with
terminal illness and their families. Through such support, the expert
palliative care nurse is able to foster client decision-making in situations
often clouded by misunderstanding and confusion.
Applicants would normally have a degree in nursing or a related discipline;
registration with the Nurses Board of Victoria (Division 1 or eligible for
registration); and at least one year of nursing experience.
The course consists of eight units, which will normally be completed over a period of two years. Successful completion of the course requires the study of one core research unit, at least four speciality units, and three elective units, negotiated with course coordinator.
Students may also select up to three units from other graduate units offered by the school or, subject to approval, from other departments of the university.
Assessment includes assignments, reports, computer conferencing, field work report and skills assessment.
Inquiries should be directed to the Administrative Officer (Postgraduate), School of Nursing, Peninsula campus, telephone (03) 9904 4156 or fax (03) 9904 4655.
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