Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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Sequence in law subjects for non-law students

Students who are not enrolled in a law degree course but who obtain a place in LAW1100 (Legal process) may complete, as a non-law student, a minor sequence in subjects from the Faculty of Law, and in addition may complete further specified law subjects to the value of 24 points at third-year level, provided such subjects are credited to and required for the non-law degree. Students interested in this option should consult the faculty manager or manager (Student Administration) of the Faculty of Law. However, students will only be eligible to apply for LAW1100 (Legal process) if such subject will be credited to the non-law degree.
New-intake students enrolling in an arts double degree will not be permitted to undertake studies in the BA component of the double degree from outside the faculty. The practical implications of this new rule are that a student enrolling in an arts degree would be allowed, if successful in gaining a quota place, to undertake LAW1100 (Legal process) and further subjects from the Faculty of Law up to a maximum value of 48 points as part of their arts degree. However, this would not be permitted for a student enrolling in an arts double degree, eg BA/BBus, BA/BEc etc.
Students already enrolled in programs will, of course, be able to complete the degree requirements under the rules that prevailed when they were first admitted to the program.

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