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Monash University Handbooks


Managing information systems


Dr Nick Beaumont

6 points + 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial or laboratory session per week + Second semester + Caulfield + Prerequisite: Completion of 12 units of study

Synopsis: The components of IT; characteristics of hardware, software and telecommunications; types of information systems; networking and the worldwide web; managing /information0 workers; using IT to promote business objectives and gain competitive advantage; systems development methodology; IT-enabled transformation to create adaptive, flexible organisations; social and system issues associated with IT; managerial problems posed by IT. Computer laboratory exposure to a variety of applications software including electronic mail, project management, graphics, and other decision support software.

Assessment: Individual learning contract (1500 words): 20% + Group research assignment (2500 words): 30% + Examination (2 hours): 50%

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