LAW4159International business transactions(LAW)
6 credit points + Three 1-hour lectures per week + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: LAW2100, LAW3400 Synopsis: The national and international laws applicable to international commercial transactions including the movement of goods, people, capital and services. The sale of goods and services from Australia to a foreign country (and the financing of such a contract of sale). The transfer of technology both from and to Australia through licensing and franchising. The establishment of Australian- owned means of production abroad through direct foreign investment and international joint ventures. Legal regimes and international treaties which regulate and impact upon international business transactions. The resolution of disputes which may occur in such transactions. Assessment: Optional written assignment (4000 words): 50% + Open-book examination (2 hours or 3.5 hours): 50% or 100% |
Australian Government Requirements for International Students - CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C
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