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Environmental analysis part 2: Decision making


Dr Sharon Pfueller

6 points + First Semester + Clayton + Two hours of lectures and equivalent of two hours of practical/ tutorial/ workshop discussion (incorporating 2 full day field trips) per week

Synopsis: This subject deals with the processes by which the potential environmental consequences of development proposals are evaluated. These can be highly contentious because of the conflicting interests of different stakeholders. The subject will examine the nature of the widely-adopted procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and formulation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). It will also examine other decision-making tools such as cost-benefit analysis and environmental audit procedures. Practical insight into these processes will be provided through case studies, field trips and critical evaluation of EIA documentation.

Assessment: Critical appraisal of an EIS document (1500 words): 20% + Report on site visit (1000 words): 20% + Oral presentation (15 mins): 20% + Written examination (2 hours): 40%

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