Diploma of Wine Technology and Marketing

General information

Course code: To be advised · Peninsula campus by flexible delivery · Course director: Dr Mary Cole

Course structure

The Diploma of Wine Technology and Marketing is an undergraduate diploma course of eight subjects (48 points) designed for students who are concurrently enrolled in a Monash degree. Up to 24 points of the diploma may be cross-credited to the concurrent bachelors degree as elective subjects where this is consistent with degree regulations. The course allows professional specialisation in wine industry studies leading to a double award over three-and-a-half years of study.
In the course, the subject sequence moves the student from the core sciences to the applied sciences (viticulture and oenology) and the business management and marketing subjects. The part-time course is multidisciplinary in nature and will be offered by flexible delivery to create a study program that will be compatible with the subjects in the degree program concurrently undertaken by the student.

Course objectives

On completion of this course, students will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of plant physiology, soil science, wine chemistry and wine microbiology as they apply to viticulture and wine production; demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of business management, marketing and financial management as they apply to viticulture, wine production and distribution; integrate the scientific and business aspects of viticulture, wine production and distribution; understand and use integrative management practices and techniques for the production of quality grapes and wine; evaluate wine quality using chemical and sensory techniques.

Length of course

The diploma will be taken over a minimum of three-and-a-half years on a part-time basis concurrently with a bachelors degree.

Admission requirements

Entry will only be open to students who have satisfied the entry requirements for an undergraduate degree at Monash University and who have enrolled in a Monash degree.

Credit provision

No more than 50 per cent credit for equivalent studies in other awards.

Fee structure

HECS fees are liable. Single subject fees are $1361 (business) and $1650 (science).