Monash is the only university in Australia which offers this joint degree.
It is designed to be completed in seven years. The combined program is a
recognition by the faculties of Medicine and Law that the burgeoning area of
medical law requires a pool of graduates with an academic grounding in both
An application to enter the combined degree program can only be made after
acceptance into the medical course. A small interfaculty selection committee
will assess the applicants and make recommendations to the deans of the
faculties of Medicine and Law concerning the most suitable candidates. It is
not anticipated that more than two or three students will be accepted into the
combined program each year. Applicants will need to demonstrate that they have
the interest and the capacity to carry them through the program. The
interfaculty committee will also review the progress of the students accepted
into the program.
Any inquiries should be directed to Professor Stephen Cordner (telephone
(03) 9684 4301) or Professor Louis Waller (telephone
(03) 9905 3302).
Students should note that degree regulations are the formal prescription of the requirements to complete a degree and it is the student's responsibility to ensure that the requirements are understood.