Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Computing

General information

Course code: 1794 · Gippsland campus · Directors of studies: Mr Les Hardy and Ms Kim Styles
This double-degree course is designed to enable graduates to pursue a computing career in areas requiring a strong business and commercial background, or a career in one of the business discipline areas supported by commercially relevant professional computing skills.
The course is directed towards intending students who have relevant career goals and who combine ability with high motivation.

Entry requirements

Applicants should have met the appropriate entry criteria for both the Bachelor of Business and the Bachelor of Computing, that being a study score of 25 in English units 3 and 4 and a study score of 20 in an area of mathematics. Students who have good academic results from the first year of the Bachelor of Business or the Bachelor of Computing may be admitted to the second year of the double degree with full credit for appropriate first-year studies.

Course structure

The course involves four years of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study by distance education. Students complete two major subject sequences - in business and in either business systems or system development.

Core subjects

Students must complete the following core subjects, totalling 42 points:

Business majors and submajors

Either one major study and two submajor studies or two major studies are taken from:

A major comprises six subjects of six points each. A submajor comprises four subjects of six points each. Law is available as a submajor only.

Computing major

Students select additional business or information technology subjects to complete the required 198 points minimum. Subjects can also be selected from other faculties.

Further information

For more information about the course structure and subjects, refer to the Business and Economics section, or contact the School of Business and Electronic Commerce, telephone (03) 9902 6380 or an on-campus student advisor on (03) 51 226 642 Application procedures are detailed in Information for students in this handbook.