Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Computing double degree - BBus/BComp

General information

Course code: 1794 · Course coordinators: Mr Les Hardy/Ms Kim Styles
This double-degree course is designed to enable graduates to pursue a computing career in areas requiring a strong business and commercial background, or a career in one of the business discipline areas supported by commercially relevant professional computing skills. The course is for students who combine ability with high motivation.

Entrance requirements

Normal Monash entry requirements of the VCE or an equivalent qualification apply. Successful applicants will have a study score of at least 25 in English units 3 and 4, and at least 20 in an area of mathematics. Students who have completed the first year of the Bachelor of Business or the Bachelor of Computing with good academic results may be admitted to the second year of the double degree with full credit for appropriate first-year studies.

Course structure

The course involves four years full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study by distance education.
To successfully complete the Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Computing, students must satisfy the following requirements:
(a) completion of at least 198 credit points
(b) completion of the following core business subjects with a total credit value of 42 credit points:

(b) completion of one major study of 36 credit points (six subjects) and two submajor studies of 24 credit points each (four subjects) from the business disciplines available; or two major studies of 36 credit points each (six subjects) from the business disciplines available. Business major and submajor studies are available in the following areas:

(c) completion of one major of study of 96 credit points (16 subjects) from the computer sequences available:

(d) undertake any additional studies to complete the minimum 198 credit points needed for the double degree.

Further inquiries

Information on this course may be obtained by contacting the School of Business and Electronic Commerce, telephone (03) 9902 6380 or (03) 5122 6380. For more specific details on the course, contact the student advisers, telephone (03) 9902 6642 or (03) 5122 6642.