Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (Honours) - BBus(Acc)(Hons)

General information

Course code: 0510 · Course coordinator: Mr Roger Love
The honours degree in accounting provides students with the opportunity to undertake a further one year's education in accounting and finance and to provide a framework for more in-depth study of areas covered in the ordinary three-year Bachelor of Business degree. The fourth year comprises eight semester units which include the completion of a research project. The extra material covered in fourth year allows honours students to tackle practical problems from a broader intellectual perspective. The honours degree allows students to complete a research essay, a major piece of investigation and writing which has no counterpart in the pass degrees. Increasingly, major employers of accounting graduates are supporting honours programs and encouraging eligible students to tackle the fourth year.

Admission requirements

A bachelor degree consisting of an accounting major from an approved tertiary institution. Applicants need to have attained an average grade of 65 per cent or above in the relevant disciplines for consideration.


Fees will depend upon the student's residency status. Local residents will be liable for the fees set by the government under the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). International students will pay fees at the rate set by the government for non-resident students. For details of current fees, contact Monash International Pty Ltd on (03) 9903 2311.

Credit for work done elsewhere

Credit for previous study is not available in this course.

Mode of offering

Students normally take subjects at Caulfield campus, but with the approval of the course coordinator, subjects from other campuses may be taken.


The Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (Honours) degree is normally completed in two semesters of full-time study.

Course structure

To qualify for the honours degree, a candidate shall complete eight subjects, including:
1. AFF4050 (Research project) which is compulsory and equivalent to two subjects; AFF4060 (Research methods I) and AFF4061 (Research methods II).
2. Four subjects to be selected from AFF4010 (Advanced financial accounting) or AFC4120 (Financial accounting theory); AFF4020 (Advanced management accounting) or AFC4130 (Management accounting); AFF4021 (Advanced topics in finance) or AFF4030 (Advanced finance); AFF4040 (Advanced investments); AFC4160 (Issues in auditing); AFC4170 (Analysis of financial statements).

Progression to further studies

On successful completion of the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (Honours) degree, students may apply for admission to the Masters by research, or other postgraduate programs.