
Issues in Feminist Cross-Cultural Research


Dr Denise Cuthbert

12 Points + 2 hour seminar per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisite: a third year sequence in Women0s Studies and Gender Research

Synopsis: Subject aims to introduce advanced-level students to key debates in the theory and practice of feminist cross-cultural research. Subject covers a range of issues raised by the challenges posed to white Western feminism primarily by women of colour, Third World, indigenous and other non- Western groups with respect to critiques of the dynamics of power and privilege in the relationship between researched and researchers and the cultural biases inherent in the production of knowledge. A number of qualitative research methodologies will be considered in the subject and students will have the opportunity to bring problems in their own research projects to seminar discussions.

Assessment: Essay (2500 words): 30% + Seminar presentation/Performance (equivalent to 500 words): 20% + Essay (6000 words): 50%.