
Asian cinema


David Hanan

8 points + 4 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisite: one of VSA1000, VSA1040, VSA1050, VSA2190 or VA103.06

Synopsis: This subject examines key epochs of cinema in Japan, China and India, including popular genres and art films. The main Japanese directors whose work is explored are Kurosawa and Oshima and to a lesser extent Ozu and Mizoguchi. Contemporary Japanese cinema examined includes social comedies by Itami, and Japanese anime. Study of Chinese cinema includes films made in the 1950s for the new communist regime in the PRC, and critiques of these and this regime by the fifth generation of filmmakers in the 1980s. We will also look at popular genres of Hong Kong cinema. The discussion of Indian cinema concentrates on the Indian alternative documentary movement, notably the work of Anand Patwardhan.

Assessment: Essay (2000 words): 33% + Essay (3000 words): 50% + Visual test (1 hour): 17%