MED2011 unit 1

Cardiovascular medicine


Professor C L Gibbs (Physiology) and Associate Professor B McGrath (Medicine)

Synopsis: The anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of the cardiovascular system. The haemodynamics of the circulation and the electrical properties of the heart and the electrical basis of the ECG. The performance of the heart as a pump and the regulation of cardiac output by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Important topics include arterial blood pressure and its control, the role of the microcirculation, the physiology of venous return and special circulations such as the coronary, fetal and cutaneous circulations. The rationale for the treatment of angina pectoris, congestive heart failure and hypertension.

Assessment: Examinations (held in conjunction with respiratory medicine) 3 hours: 80% + Viva voce in anatomy: 20%