
Biotechnology, Human Reproduction and Contraception


Offered subject to final approval

Associate Professor Graham Jenkin and Professor Alan Trounson

Distance Education + 6 points + 12 weeks + 12 hours per week including lecture material, audio tapes, journal tapes, on-line conferences and email, multiple choice questions, short-answer questions and essays + Second semester

Synopsis: This subject provides a comprehensive account of human reproductive processes. It will address reproductive processes from germ cell production through the reproductive lifespan to senescence. The hormonal interactions between the brain, the pituitary gland and gonads will be studied. The mechanisms underlying physiological processes relevant to reproduction and development will be considered in detail and the results of failure of any of these developmental processes will be demonstrated. Therapeutic intervention and the ethics of such procedures, along with the Government laws and regulations controlling them, will be discussed.

Assessment: Written assignments:40% + Preparation and submission of a Journal:30% + Written theory exam:30%