
The Professional Teacher


Dr D Corrigan

6 points + 2 hours + Second semester + Clayton

Synopsis: This subject provides an introduction to the life of the professional teacher. It is important to focus on the term professional here as the subject will help students identify what is professional practice in terms of teaching. The issues of the professional teacher is an important one in terms of the current accountability procedures in place in all teaching institutions, where teachers are required to document their professional practice to other professionals and members of the school and local community. Current standards and competencies required of teachers will be addressed as well as methods currently employed to document teachers work.

Assessment: The development of a professional teaching portfolio: 50% + Presentation in tutorial time aimed at developing a key idea that they have been presented with: 20% + Construction of portfolio items using a variety of tools as presented throughout the subject: 10% + Participation in the subject at a level of 80% (this becomes particularly important in terms of objectives 1,2,5,6,7 & 8): 20%