Postgraduate diplomas

Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Communications

General information

Course code: 2410 · Clayton campus · Course leader: Dr Chintha Tellambura · A minimum of two years part-time or one year full-time (two semesters) · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $9600, or $1200 per six-point subject
Monash's digital communications program covers a broad range of courses ranging from the short graduate certificate up to the masters degree by coursework in digital communications. The courses have been structured to provide an integrated program of postgraduate education in digital communications.
The aims of the digital communications program are to provide:

The course currently draws students from a wide range of employment backgrounds, including programming, systems analysis, engineering, management, consultancy, auditing, marketing and teaching. The program is designed to provide graduates in fields such as computing, computer science or electrical engineering with specialist graduate-level education in topics such as digital communications technologies, communications architectures, protocols and communications software.
The initial subjects introduce underlying principles and technologies, and the later subjects go more deeply into the underlying theoretical and technological foundations of digital communications systems. They also examine the social and political aspects of communications networking, and the management structures for communications networks.

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement is a three-year degree or diploma-level qualification in a discipline that provides a suitable basis for the course, eg computer science, data processing or electrical, electronic or communications engineering.
Applicants with a degree or diploma in a discipline not directly related to the course will be considered if they have relevant work experience in computers or communications.
Applicants without degree or diploma qualifications may also be admitted on the basis of work experience, subject to the approval of the faculty's admissions committee. The level of work experience required would be at least five years in a position carrying significant technical responsibility in an area relevant to the course. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate an ability to study at tertiary level. The number of places available to applicants in this category is limited.
Applicants should note that demand for this course usually exceeds the quota of places available and consequently not everyone qualified for entry to the course can be admitted. Applicants are therefore advised to present their cases strongly when applying for the course.

Course structure

The course consists of eight six-point subjects, selected as follows: (a) at least six subjects from the list of approved digital communications graduate subjects listed below; (b) up to two subjects which may be drawn from any postgraduate program of the university with the approval of the school or nominee.
Students who complete the postgraduate diploma will be granted up to 48 points of advanced standing in the Master of Digital Communications program. The number of points required to complete the masters will depend on the subjects taken within the postgraduate diploma.

Group 1
Group 2

Note that not all subjects are available in any one year. This list is subject to revision.

Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology

General information

Course code: 2411· Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses · Course leaders: Mr S Giles (Caulfield), Associate Professor Jim Breen (Clayton), Dr G Lu (distance education), Dr D Casey (Peninsula) · A minimum of two years part-time (four semesters) or one year full-time (two semesters) · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $9600, or $1200 per six-point subject
The Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology is a cooperative program offered by all the schools of the Faculty of Information Technology. The course provides a broad program in information technology, enabling students to select specific areas for in-depth study, or to construct a program from a range of suitably advanced subjects. The postgraduate diploma course is essentially the first 48 points of the Master of Information Technology course, and also serves as a qualification for masters students who exit the course prior to completion.

Admission requirements

Entrance normally requires a first degree which is recognised as equivalent to an Australian bachelors degree. Those expecting to complete their degrees in the current year may apply. It is expected that entrants will have a degree in a discipline which provides a suitable basis for the course eg computer science, computing, information systems, business systems, digital systems, information management or software engineering.

Course structure

The course consists of 48 points of coursework subjects. Included in these subjects may be six or 12 points of individual project work.
Of the subjects taken, at least six (36 points) must be taken from the postgraduate subjects offered by the Faculty of Information Technology. Up to two subjects (12 points) may be taken from postgraduate subjects offered by other faculties at Monash.
Students who complete the postgraduate diploma will be granted up to 24 points of advanced standing in the Master of Information Technology program. The number of points required to complete the masters will depend on the subjects taken within the postgraduate diploma.

Postgraduate Diploma of Multimedia Computing

Refer to the Master of Multimedia Computing