Graduate Certificate in Applied Arts (Metals and Jewellery)*

Course code: To be advised · Caulfield campus
This course aims to provide graduates with a knowledge and understanding of the discipline of jewellery/metals; the ability to undertake sustained studio practice; the concepts and skills pertinent to their chosen medium; the ability to evolve their own aims, interests and vision, to be expressed through their studio work; and the initiative to work independently.
The course is undertaken over one semester full-time or two semesters part-time.
Applicants should have completed one of the bachelor degrees of the Faculty of Art and Design with a major in a studio discipline, or equivalent degree, or other evidence of completion of relevant tertiary fine arts studies plus at least three years professional practice, and submission of a portfolio of studio work.
Applicants should contact the graduate officer on (03) 9903 2256 for an application form.