Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business

General information

Course code: 2012 * Gippsland campus * HECS fees applicable * Attendance compulsory for some laboratory-based subjects.


This course has been designed to prepare students to work at a professional level in a scientifically oriented environment in which application of modern business techniques is required, or in a commercial environment in which a background in science and technology is desirable.
The course is primarily directed towards intending students whose career goals are in line with the above objectives and who combine ability with high motivation.

Entry requirements

The normal entry requirement to the course is satisfactory completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education or equivalent with a study score of at least 25 in English.
Students who have completed the first year of the normal Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Business at the university with good academic results may be admitted to the second year of the double degree with full credit for appropriate first-year studies.

Course structure

Note: Because the Bachelor of Business degree is under review, there may be some changes to the structure of the business component for 2000.
The course involves four years of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time or distance education study.
Students must complete the following requirements to be awarded the double degree of Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Science.
(a) Complete subjects with a total credit value of at least 192 points comprising at least ninety-six points in subjects drawn from the schedule of approved science subjects creditable to the BSc and at least ninety-six points in subjects creditable to the BBus.
(b) Complete the following core business subjects with a total credit value of forty-two points:

(c) Either (i) Complete two business major sequences, each of thirty six points of credit (but, excepting tourism management, including one core subject from (b) above) selected from:

or (ii) Complete one business major sequence of thirty-six points credit drawn from strands in (c) (i) above, combined with two business sub-major sequences each of twenty-four points credit selected from:

(d) Complete two science discipline sequences (excluding computing) consisting of

in one discipline area across levels one, two and three respectively and twenty-four points in a second discipline area (including at least twelve points from levels two and three) plus one six-point subject from one of the following groups:

(This latter subject is to be drawn from a different group from those which include the chosen science discipline sequences.)
(e) Completion of two six-point core subjects covering generic scientific skills and interdisciplinary perspectives in science and technology:

Science discipline sequences are available in the following discipline areas (consult the BSc entry for details):

Credits/exemptions for previous study

Appropriate credits may be granted for approved studies completed at a recognised post-secondary institution. It is advisable that intending applicants seek advice from both the Faculty of Science and the School of Business and Electronic Commerce.

Further information

Applicants interested in this double degree program should consult the course advisers in the Faculty of Science and the School of Business and Electronic Commerce. The Faculty of Science office at Gippsland is available by telephone on (03) 9902 6431, fax (03) 9902 6931.