Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Science


Gippsland campus and distance education
Course code: To be advised
Course adviser: Associate Professor Philip Rayment
This double degree course aims to equip graduates with the knowledge, competencies and attitudes that will enable them to pursue a computing career in a scientific setting or a career in one of the sciences supported by professional-level computing skills; foster in students an intellectual curiosity as a preparation for lifelong learning; and develop a high quality, challenging and supportive learning environment appropriate to the needs of both on-campus and distance education students, including international students. In line with the aims, the course will suit both those planning a career in science/information technology, and those seeking to update or broaden previous qualifications.

Course requirements

This double degree course can normally be completed in four years of full-time study or eight years by distance education, with variation to suit individual circumstances. A total credit value of at least 192 points must be completed as follows.

Computing and information technology subjects

Fifteen subjects with a total credit value of ninety-six points comprising one of the following majors:

System development major

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Business systems major

Level 1
Level 2


Level 3

Note that for both majors, up to twelve points of the level-three computing electives may be replaced with approved level-three subjects offered by other departments of the Faculty of Information Technology.

Science subjects

Subjects with a total credit value of at least ninety-six points drawn from the 'Schedule of approved science subjects', must include:
(a) Two discipline sequences (excluding Computing) consisting of 12+18+18 = 48 points or 12+12+24 = 48 or 12 +18+24 =54 points in one discipline area across levels one, two and three respectively and twenty-four points in a second discipline area (including at least twelve points from levels two and three).
(b) Two level-one core subjects: SCI1010 and SCI1020.
(c) one subject from one of the following groups:

This subject is to be drawn from a different group from those which include the two chosen science discipline sequences in (a).
(d) either MAT1077 (Discrete mathematics) six points, which provides core mathematics background for the system development major; or GAS1751 (Quantitative methods 1) six points, which provides core mathematics background for the business systems major).
Consult the BSc entry for details of available science discipline sequences.

Initial enrolment

Students with no credit for previous studies are advised to complete the following subjects during their first year of full-time study or first two years of part-time study.

Systems development (48 points)

Business systems (48 points)