Discontinuation of studies and leave of absence

Students wishing to discontinue all subjects in the course (whether or not they are also seeking leave of absence), or individual subjects, should note that such subjects should be formally discontinued by completing the appropriate procedure through the faculty office at Clayton or the student administration office at Gippsland. The dates by which the procedures must be completed are listed in the Student information handbook and in student diaries. Failure to complete the appropriate procedure before the given dates means that the subject(s) concerned will be recorded as a fail result. In exceptional circumstances the dean may approve the classification of a subject as 'discontinued' beyond the respective dates.
Undergraduate students who discontinue their course of studies and who do not apply for leave of absence may apply through VTAC, or in the case of distance education, reapply directly to the School of Applied Sciences, Gippsland campus, for readmission in a later year.
The term 'leave of absence' is used to describe the situation of a student who temporarily suspends studies with the approval of the faculty, after an initial period of study. The distinguishing factor of the term 'leave of absence' as compared with 'deferment' is that leave of absence represents an interruption to studies already commenced, while a deferment refers to an offered place in the course being postponed, to be taken up in the subsequent year.
The faculty considers that it is not normally in the best interests of a student to prolong the completion of a course by repeated periods of leave of absence. One period of leave of absence of up to twelve months normally will be allowed. A student seeking a second period of leave of absence will need to satisfy the faculty that special circumstances exist. The faculty will take a similar view with an applicant for a second year of deferment.
A student returning to study after a period of leave of absence should discuss the situation with an academic adviser of the faculty. It should be noted that no guarantee can be given that a place in a quotaed subject can be reserved for the following year.
The leave of absence procedure requires an applicant to complete a special application form together with an enrolment amendment form, both of which are available from the faculty office at Clayton or the student administration office at Gippsland.