The Unit of Radiography and Medical Imaging

The Unit of Radiography and Medical Imaging is committed to providing students with an excellent education in the field of radiography. The overall aim of the Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging is to prepare students for effective and ethical professional practice in a diverse range of modern medical imaging modalities and to pursue careers in medical imaging, medical informatics, research and management. Students will be actively encouraged to engage in a process of life-long learning and contribute to the development of radiography as a research-based profession. In keeping with community expectations of health care professionals, a commitment to high professional standards will be expected from students. In pursuit of these goals the Unit of Radiography and Medical Imaging will provide students with a wide range of academic and clinical experiences. In all its aspects, the course conforms to the expectations the Australian Institute of Radiography has of its graduate practitioners. Through its policies and regulations the profession expects courses in radiography and medical imaging to prepare students to practice their profession from a scientific basis whilst mindful of the need to exercise a 'duty of care' to their patients.
The course content and its structure will be subject to a continuous process of quality improvement. Students will be afforded every assistance in their endeavours to acquire the essential knowledge base underpinning the science and practice of radiography, to develop the appropriate intellectual and practical skills and form caring and reflective attitudes. In particular students will be given the opportunity to develop effective communication skills given their crucial importance in the area of health. Nevertheless students need to recognise that they have personal responsibility for their own learning. It is the personal development of each individual student that is the objective of an education in radiography. For all students, personal objectives must also include the acquisition of the ability to read published work critically and to distinguish between fact and inference. Students must be able to form opinions and attitudes which are based on fact and evidence which can be clearly and effectively expressed and communicated.
Personal development is not just a matter of formal studies within the structure of the course. In order that students will be comfortable in their later professional roles in a variety of contexts students are encouraged to maintain their involvement in broader aspects of social and university life. You are encouraged to join in all the activities which are available to you and to enjoy yourselves, while assuming full personal responsibility for your own approach to learning and to the development of your personal career.