Head: Professor R Doherty
Contact: Ms L Salomone (senior administrative assistant)
Address: Department of Paediatrics, 4th Floor, Monash Medical Centre, 246
Clayton Road, Clayton 3168
Telephone: (03) 9550 4491
Fax: (03) 9550 4124
- Paediatric and adolescent diabetes Early diabetes complications
in older children and adolescents; eating disorders in diabetes; menstrual
disorders in girls and young women with diabetes; behavioural issues in
diabetes; epidemiology of type 1 diabetes (Victorian Diabetes data base); lipid
disorders and diabetes.
- Paediatric and adolescent endocrinology Bone density and body
composition in normal pubertal and post pubertal girls, and in girls with
anorexia nervosa. Endocrine disorders, bone density and body composition in
thalassaemia major. Nutritional rickets; long acting LHRH analogue (Zolodex) in
precocious puberty.
- Adolescent medicine Eating disorders in adolescent females;
evaluation and treatment of adolescents with post viral and chronic fatigue
syndromes; smoking patterns in teenagers with chronic illness; reproductive
health issues in healthy teenagers and teenagers with chronic illness.
- Cot death studies (SIDS) Looking at factors which affect the
arousal response in sleeping infants; prematurity, neonatal apnea/bradycardia,
sleeping position, maternal prenatal/postnatal smoking, respiratory illness,
non-respiratory illness and infant temperament.
- Sleep studies (Polysomnography) Maturation of sleep in infancy,
effect of sleep states in cardio-respiratory patterns, obstructive sleep apnea,
behavioural modification and sleep disorders.
- Home apnea monitoring Evaluating the psycho-social impact of home
based services to parents who perceive their infant to be at risk of sudden
- Developmental disabilities The nature and management of children
with learning difficulties; assessment methods for children with autism
spectrum disorders; validity of developmental assessment in preschool children.
- Infectious diseases Clinical trials of antiviral agents;
immunisation; pathogenesis of viral infections.
- Neonatal paediatrics Cardiovascular and respiratory adaptation
and pathophysiology following extreme preterm birth and other life-threatening
neonatal disorders, pathogenesis and prevention of periventricular haemorrhage
and leukomalacia, parenteral and specialised enteral nutrition in
critically-ill neonates, ethical issues of selective non-treatment in the
neonatal intensive care unit, long-term neurodevelopmental outcome and quality
of life in extremely low birthweight infants.
- Paediatric cardiology Clinical evaluation of cardiac function;
interventional cardiology; echocardiography.