Sixth year

General information

Sixth year consists of a six-week term of combined clinical and community health studies followed by six 5-week terms. These cover medicine, surgery, community medicine, psychological medicine, and specialty areas of medicine and surgery as well as further aspects of forensic medicine, geriatric medicine, palliative care, rehabilitation medicine, social and preventive medicine and therapeutics. During the year an opportunity will be given to students to spend time in a large private hospital in the city, in a rural attachment and in a student internship.

Sixth-year text books

Prescribed texts

Bloch S and Singh B The foundations of clinical psychiatry MUP, 1994
Braunwald E (ed.) Heart disease: A textbook of cardiovascular medicine 5th edn, Saunders, 1997
Brenner B M and Selwyn A The kidney in health and disease Blackwell Scientific, 1984
Champion R H and others Textbook of dermatology (4 vols), 5th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1992
de Vita V T and Hellman S Cancer: Principles and practice of oncology 5th edn, Lippincott, 1996
Firkin F and others (eds) de Gruchy's 'Clinical haematology in medical practice' 5th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1989
McCarty D J (ed.) Arthritis and allied conditions 12th edn, Lea and Febiger, 1993
Peckham M Oxford textbook of oncology OUP, 1995
Seaton A and others (eds) Crofton and Douglas's 'Respiratory diseases' 4th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1989
Sherlock S Diseases of the liver and biliary system 10th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1997
Sleisenger M H and Fordtran J S (eds) Gastrointestinal disease, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management (2 vols), 6th edn, Saunders, 1998
Wahlqvist M (ed.) Food and nutrition in Australia 3rd edn, Nelson, 1988
Walton J N (ed.) Brain's 'Diseases of the nervous system' 10th edn, OUP, 1993
Williams R H (ed.) Textbook of endocrinology 8th edn, Saunders, 1992
And regular reading of one (or more) of the following journals:
The Medical Journal of Australia
The New England Journal of Medicine
The Lancet
The British Medical Journal

Recommended texts

American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders IV APS, 1994
Beumont P J V and Hampshire R B Textbook of psychiatry Blackwell, 1989
Bourne S Under the doctor: Studies in the psychological problems of physiotherapists, patients and doctors Avebury, 1981
Brocklehurst A Geriatric medicine for students 3rd edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1987
Cassem N H Massachussetts General Hospital handbook of general hospital psychiatry 3rd edn, PSG, 1991
Coni N and others Lecture notes on geriatrics 5th edn, Blackwell Scientific, 1998
DeLisa J A (ed.) Rehabilitation medicine: Principles and practice Lippincott, 1993
Gelder M and others Oxford textbook of psychiatry 3rd edn, Oxford Medical, 1996
Goldman H H Review of general psychiatry 4th edn, Lange, 1995
Kaplan H I and Sadock B J Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry 6th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1995
Kaplan H I and Sadock B J Synopsis of psychiatry 7th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1994
Nicholi A M (ed.) The new Harvard guide to modern psychiatry Harvard U P, 1988
Penington G and Burry H C Introduction to medical rehabilitation: An Australian perspective MUP, 1990
Plueckhahn V D and Cordner S M Ethics, legal medicine and forensic pathology 2nd edn, MUP, 1991
Reiser D E and Rosen D H Medicine as a human experience University Park Press, 1985
Souhami R L and Moxham J (eds) Textbook of medicine 3rd edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1997
Warne P A manual of geriatric care Williams and Wilkins, 1988

Sixth-year subjects