
Medical imaging and methods 1 (DVI) and digital image processing 1

Objectives This subject aims to provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles underpinning digital vascular imaging together with the appropriate knowledge to participate in specific examinations of the blood vessels of the head and neck, thoracic and abdominal aorta and its branches, the venous return, and the blood supply to the upper and lower limbs. An appreciation of film-based angiography and cardiac imaging and related quantitative techniques will be gained. Students will understand and be able to participate in a range of related vascular and non vascular interventional therapeutic procedures. An understanding of the applications of information technology (IT) in the field of medical imaging will also be gained with specific emphasis on differences between general applications of IT and its role in medical imaging. In the digital image processing component, a student will develop an understanding of the process of image representation, image acquisition, image transformation, basic image processing hardware and the transmission of images in a medical environment.

Synopsis Digital vascular imaging - instrumentation, related methods and procedures for specific examinations of the blood vessels of the body. Film based angiographic methods. The methods and imaging techniques for vascular and non vascular interventional therapeutic procedures performed using these forms of digital imaging instruments. Basic and applied concepts relevant to digital imaging in medical imaging generally and vascular imaging specifically from an information technology and digital image processing perspective. Qualitative and quantitative image enhancement routines and analysis tools.

Assessment One written examination (3 hours): 60% · Laboratory reports: 25% · Tutorial exercises: 15%

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