
Clinical studies 3

Objectives In respect to general radiography involving cooperative adult patients, students will be expected to develop professional proficiency in relation to pre-examination planning and patient assessment. Procedural technique and clinical problem solving. Professional communication. Image evaluation and the associated organisation and legal obligations. Students will also gain experience in the modification of general radiographic methods and exposure techniques for the paediatric and geriatric patient and in mobile and accident and emergency imaging examinations. Students are also expected to continue their wider professional development and gain an understanding of the multidisciplinary approach to the clinical management of paediatric and geriatric patients and patients who present in accident and emergency situations.

Synopsis The implementation and evaluation of radiographic examinations of the musculo-skeletal and respiratory systems and the abdomen on cooperative adults and geriatric patients. Experience in radiographic examinations involving paediatrics and patients who present for accident and emergency radiographic examinations of the musculo-skeletal system, respiratory system and the abdomen. Mobile examinations of the musculo-skeletal system, respiratory system and the abdomen in the ward and operating theatre. Pantomography. Quality assurance procedures in respect to general radiography and mobile imaging systems.

Assessment Weekly case reports: 15% · Radiographic clinical skills' examinations: 60% · Self-assessment report: 10% · The clinical studies' professional portfolio: 15%

Recommended texts

As for other firstsemester subjects

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