
Radiologic dosimetry and safety

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will understand the fundamental concepts of radiologic dosimetry and be able to calculate dose and equivalent dose for x-rays as they interact with living tissue. Students will also have a knowledge of the determinants of the biological effects of radiation and their classification, the interaction of radiation with living tissue, personal and clinical laboratory dose monitoring equipment and be able to measure, record and report radiation doses in accordance with the requirements of the statutory regulations in force.

Synopsis Ionising radiation, x-radiation and its effects on living tissue. The energy content of an x-ray beam. Dose and equivalent dose calculations. Units and standards in dose and equivalent dose measurements. Radiation risk and protection. Occupational exposure and patient exposure. Personal dosimetry, film, TLD and pocket ionisation chambers. Integral dose and dose-area products. Equipment used for radiation monitoring. The statutory requirements for the safe practice in the use of ionising radiation.

Assessment Examination (1 hour): 65% · Laboratory work: 35%

Recommended texts

Bushberg J T, Seibert J A, Leidhold E M and Boone J M The essential physics of medical imaging Williams and Wilkins, 1994
Huda W and Slone R Review of radiologic physics Williams and Wilkins, 1994

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