
Radiographic imaging and methods 2

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students will know how to conduct and evaluate radiographic examinations of the respiratory system, pelvis, shoulder girdles, vertebral column and bony thorax. The imaging component of this subject provides students with an understanding of radiographic exposure systems, image analysis and quality assurance of radiographic imaging systems. The methods component of this subject will provide students with a sound understanding of the principles underpinning radiographic positioning and the use of radiographic equipment.

Synopsis The concepts of kilovolts, time, millamps, distance and exposure technique charts. Image quality factors: geometric, SNR, resolution, MTF, contrast, unsharpness. Principles of quality assurance. Viewing the image and ROC. The radiographic projections together with their clinical rationale for the respiratory system, pelvis, shoulder girdle, vertebral column and bony thorax. Laboratory teaching sessions will enable students to develop pre-clinical radiographic skills in these examinations, to a basic level of technical competency.

Assessment Written examination (3 hours): 60% · Laboratory reports: 20% · One multi-image appraisal examination: 20%

Recommended texts

Ballinger P W Merrill's atlas of radiographic positions and radiologic procedures Mosby, 1995
Bushberg J T, Seibert J A, Leidhold E M and Boone J M The essential physics of medical imaging Williams and Wilkins, 1994
Bushong S C Radiologic science for technologists Mosby, 1996
Eisenberg R L and Dennis C A A comprehensive radiographic pathology Mosby, 1995
Fleckenstein P and Tranum-Jensen J Anatomy in diagnostic imaging Munksgarrd, 1993
Huda W and Slone R Review of radiologic physics Williams and Wilkins, 1994
McQuillen-Martensen K Radiographic critique Saunders, 1996
World Health Organisation Basic radiological system: Manual of radiographic interpretation for general practitioners WHO, Geneva, 1985

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