
Reproductive and sexual health for women

Ms Meredith McIntyre in association with the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

12 points · flexible delivery mode · First semester · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject the student is expected to explore the multifaceted nature of women's lives which contribute to the development of reproductive and sexual health problems; critique research publications and current literature which explore aspects of women's reproductive and sexual health; develop mechanisms for integrating the four key areas of action with the role of health professionals in the provision of reproductive and sexual health services for women; critique several practice models for health professionals in the delivery of reproductive and sexual health services for women, including mainstream, small community and outreach services; describe an area of practice in reproductive and sexual health which requires further research to ensure that future practice in this area is clearly evidenced based; develop recommendations for future improvements in reproductive and sexual health services for women in vulnerable population groups; complete the requirements of the counselling module in reproductive and sexual health issues; demonstrate the ability to develop case management plans derived from comprehensive needs assessment data, for women from vulnerable population groups requiring reproductive and sexual health services; apply the medico-legal considerations for specialty practice to the health professional working reproductive and sexual health service delivery; complete assigned fieldwork activities across the three designated service provider environments (mainstream, small community and outreach).
Synopsis This subject provides health professionals with the opportunity to develop expertise in reproductive and sexual health for women. Subject material integrates the social context of women's lives with reproductive and sexual health impact outcomes. Particular emphasis will be placed on the health needs of women in vulnerable population groups, under-represented groups, in high risk groups, engaged in risk taking behaviour/s and in specific developmental life stages. A counselling skills module in reproductive and sexual health for health professions is incorporated into this subject. Fieldwork activities will culminate in the completion of a project defined to meet the specific learning needs of each health professional relevant to service delivery in reproductive and sexual health for women.

Assessment Written assignment: 40% · Presentation/paper: 30% · Field-based report: 30%

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