
Nursing practice 1: Health perspectives over the lifespan

6 points · 5 hours per week (lectures, tutorials, labs) plus 75 hours clinical · First semester · Gippsland and Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subjects students are expected to describe the concept of health from biomedical, psychological, cultural and ecological perspectives; begin to evaluate the concept of health needs or challenges for the normal individual or group over the lifespan; perform selected basic nursing skills in a simulated environment; explain the role and levels of communication in the nurse-client relationship; describe the roles of nurses and their relationship with other health care professionals through observation made in a clinical practice environment; demonstrate skills for the assessment of health and development of individuals over the lifespan; accurately collect and record data for health profiles and/or health histories for either individuals, groups or communities.

Synopsis The subject introduces students to the fundamentals of nursing care for individuals and communities. It introduces students to a number of fundamental concepts, processes and skills required for nursing practice. The subject is designed for beginning students in a comprehensive undergraduate nursing program. It aims to develop knowledge and skills for the promotion of individual health, growth and development over the lifespan. The subject includes theoretical and practical information about nursing skills, concepts and processes and a clinical practice component.

Assessment Written examination: 50% · Practical/written assessment: 30% · Clinical practice/fieldwork: 20%

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