
Organisational management for advanced nurse practice

Not offered in 1999

Ms V Trigar

6 points · 4 hours per week · First semester · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of the subject the students are expected to appraise management theory and practice; demonstrate skills in the development of strategic planning and financial management; apply a range of human resource management principles to health care; utilise health care information systems for both institutional and private practice settings; describe the relationship between marketing and public relations and develop strategic plans for advanced nursing practice; examine the influence of current micro economic reform on current health care policy and health care delivery; identify the major economic and political changes likely to impact on the roles of nurse practitioners; critically evaluate organisational structures in health care.

Synopsis The subject prepares the student to apply organisational and practice management skills as an integral part of their expanded role. It is designed to allow the specialist nurse practitioner to function in the changing milieu of health provision in Australia.

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