
Nursing therapeutics in rehabilitation and aged care

Not offered in 1999

Ms J Yalden

6 points · 3 hours per week · Second semester · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject students are expected to develop a therapeutic approach to empower clients to be self-determining in goals for health and wellness; assess the special health needs, plan, implement and evaluate a therapeutic program for a client, client group or carer; critically examine the relationship between selected theoretical and therapeutic approaches to counselling in health care; demonstrate effective counselling skills based on Ivey's hierarchy of skills for counselling; outline the physiological and psychological benefit of complementary therapies from both a personal and professional perspective; have gained a beginning understanding of the method, aim, value and purpose of a range of complementary therapies within an extended care context; apply a range of self healing strategies to enhance personal well-being.

Synopsis The subject prepares students to plan appropriate rehabilitation and recreational programs to meet the special needs of aged and/or disabled persons. The subject also develops counselling skills derived from selected approaches for counselling in rehabilitation and aged care nursing.

Assessment Written assignment: 50% · Skills assessment: 20% · Clinical project: 30%

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