
Research II

Ms G Ives

6 points · 3 hours per week · Second semester · Peninsula · Prerequisite: NSG6201

Objectives On completion of the subject the student should be able to develop a research proposal; including ethical application, and also address issues relating to data analysis and statistics.

Synopsis The subject provides students with appropriate information and support to apply prior learning in research and to develop a research proposal. Inclusive in the proposal is a literature review, data collection tool, ethical application and application for access to research participants. Statistical analysis of data will be further developed.

Assessment Research proposal: 50% · Ethics application: 15% · Seminar presentation: 15% · Data analysis and computer exercises: 20%

Prescribed texts

Brink P and Woods M Basic steps in planning nursing research: From question to proposal 4th edn, Jones and Bartlett, 1994
Polit D and Hungler B Nursing research: Principles and methods 5th edn, Lippincott, 1995

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