
Community care

Not offered in 1999

Ms J Oates

6 points · 2 hours per week · 35 hours clinical · First semester · Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject the students are expected to identify the role of the nurse in primary care for community settings; examine community care service delivery models; analyse the concepts of stress, coping and social support, and related nursing interventions; demonstrate an ability to work effectively and collaboratively with professionals and lay support workers in community care settings; critically evaluate community nursing frameworks for decision making; identify legal implications of community nursing; describe quality care measures used in practice; demonstrate a community nursing skill; examine a selected complex community care issue.

Synopsis The subject will explore further the concepts and meaning of caring in the community and nursing practices that enhance the standard of care. Students will have the opportunity to develop more advanced home care nursing skills.

Assessment Essay (1500 words); 50% · Fieldwork reports (2x750 words) 50% · Clinical: Satisfactory achievement of specific clinical objectives is required for a pass to be awarded in the subject

Prescribed texts

Nelson-Jones R Lifeskills helping HRW, 1992
Stanhope M and Knollmueller M Handbook of community and home health nursing Mosby, 1992

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