
Research in psychiatry (semester 2)

Dr P Power

Synopsis This subject of the Master of Psychological Medicine course provides an integration and revision of material presented in the first three years, with a greater emphasis on clinical application. Courses in psychogeriatrics and forensic psychiatry are included. The subject also comprises sessions about basic research tools such as statistics, epidemiology and research design. Candidates are expected to apply these tools when understanding a research study to form the basis of a minor thesis during the following year.

Assessment Written examination (3 hours) in each semester

Prescribed texts

Burns A and Levy R Dementia Chapman Hall, 1994
Chiu E and Ames D (eds) Functional psychiatric disorders of the elderly CUP, 1994
Greenberg M and others Making sense of psychiatric cases OUP, 1986
Jacoby R and Oppenheimer C (eds) Psychiatry and the elderly 2nd edn, OUP, 1997
Jorm A F and Henderson A S Dementia in Australia 4th edn, AGPS, 1997
Sederer L Inpatient psychiatry: Diagnosis and treatment 3rd edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1991
Forensic psychiatry
Gunn J and Taylor P (eds) Forensic psychiatry Butterworth Heinemann, 1993

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