
Basic sciences of psychiatry (semester 2)

Dr S Sundram

Synopsis The subject is about the contribution of the neurosciences to psychiatry. The seminar series provides detailed information about biological perspectives of psychiatry with sessions on genetics, neuroanatomy (including brain dissection), neuropharmacology, neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, brain imaging and recording and immunology. Some sessions are devoted to the clinical application of recent advances in biological psychiatry.

Assessment Written examination (135 minutes)

Recommended texts

Kaplan H A and others Kaplan and Sadock's 'Synopsis of psychiatry' 7th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1994
England M A and Wakely J A colour atlas of the brain and spinal cord Wolfe, 1991
Shepherd G M Neurobiology section 1: Molecular and cellular mechanisms 3rd edn, OUP, 1994
Siegel G J and others (eds) Basic neurochemistry 5th edn, Raven Press, 1994
Cooper J R and others (eds) The biochemical basis of neuropharmacology 6th edn OUP, 1991
Hodges J R Cognitive assessment for clinicians OUP, 1994
Lishman W A Organic pyschiatry chapters 1-2, Blackwell Scientific, 1987

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