Dr D Clarke and Dr A Holmes
Synopsis This subject aims to provide candidates with an opportunity to revise and update their existing knowledge base and clinical skills in medicine and neurology; review specific medical and neurological disorders of relevance to psychiatry; explore the relationship between medical and neurological disorders and associated psychiatric disorders; examine the role of psychiatry in patients with physical disorders; and explore and critically evaluate recent literature at the interface between psychiatry and medicine and neurology.
Assessment Written examination (3 hours): 100%
Recommended texts
Cassem N H Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of general
hospital psychiatry 3rd edn, Mosby, 1991
Judd F K, Burrows G D and Lipsitt D Handbook of studies on general hospital
psychiatry Elsevier, 1991
Kaplan H I and Sadock B J Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry - V 5th
edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1989
Lishman W A Organic psychiatry 2nd edn, Blackwell, 1987
Mendelson G Psychiatric aspects of personal injury claims Thomas,
Rodin G, Craven J and Littlefield C Depression in the medically ill: An
integrated approach Brunner Mazel, 1991
Stoudemire A and Fogel B Psychiatric care of the medical patient OUP,
Taylor J G Psychosomatic medicine and contemporary psychoanalysis
International U P, 1987
General Hospital Psychiatry
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Psychosomatic Medicine