
Injury epidemiology and prevention

Professor J Ozanne-Smith and Ms E Cassell

2 hours per week over 14 weeks

Synopsis MPH2056 is designed to give students an understanding of the epidemiology of injury in Australia and Victoria and the data and research that underpins current knowledge of major causes, risk factors and vulnerable population groups. Current initiatives (both government and non-government) to address major injury problems in Victoria will be reviewed, including a creative and critical focus on effective countermeasures, prevention programs and strategies and evaluation. Students will be expected to apply their learning to a substantial population injury problem, preferable one which impinges on their current work or a relevant setting such as sport, school or local community. Course materials and injury datasets will be available through Monash University Accident Research Centre.

Assessment Assignment (2000-word analysis of the epidemiology of a major injury issue in Victoria (of student choice) using data from the most appropriate available database and either a critical review of available countermeasures to prevent the injury or a program designed to prevent the injury in a particular setting - including an evaluation): 50% · Presentation of major assignment to the class (15-minute presentation including question time): 10% · Completion of five of ten set exercises over the semester (not more than one page of writing plus a commitment to lead a discussion or a workshop, including report-back): 40%

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