
Research methods and computing

Associate Professor C Fairley and Dr A Forbes

2 hours per week over 14 weeks

Synopsis The aim of this subject is to provide students with the necessary practical skills to design, conduct and analyse a research project. At the conclusion of this subject, students will be able to critically appraise quantitative studies in the health sciences; understand the issues involved in the design of a research protocol; design and implement a questionnaire; demonstrate basic computing skills; and use a computer to input, clean and analyse research data. This subject is a general introduction to research methods, critical appraisal of published literature; issues involved in protocol design including - selection of type of study, performing a literature review, questionnaire design, sampling methods, ethics approval; data management skills including - basic computing skills, data entry, data cleaning; statistical analysis using a computer. Teaching will be a combination of formal lectures, tutorials and computing laboratory sessions.

Assessment Assignments involving critical appraisal, protocol design and computing skills

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