
Medicine and research

Dr M Oldmeadow

2 weeks

Objectives At the completion of this subject students will have an understanding of a range of scientific methodologies used to carry out medical research and its application to enable further progress in the wider field of clinical medicine; development of appropriate methods to collect data; appropriate collation of data; presentation of data and experience of discussing results and implications with colleagues; potential problems with data; how to examine quality-related health care issues in relation to selected projects. Students will be exposed to the challenge of medical research and its potential role in their future careers.

Synopsis Working in groups of three or four, students will be offered a range of projects in which they will develop clinical studies which focus on quality in health care. Sample protocols will be provided and discussed as students decide on appropriate data to be collected and questionnaires which will enable this to be done. Each group will then be responsible for collecting, analysing and presenting their data, together with a limited literature review relevant to the topic. Close interaction with tutors will occur throughout the two-week period.

Assessment Oral presentation and written report (satisfactory faculty requirement)

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