
Clinical and communication skills II

Dr M Liddell (Community Medicine and General Practice)

Objectives The aims of this subject are (1) to continue the introduction commenced in second year on the basic elements of taking a medical history, specifically focusing on the neurological, genitourinary, sexual, drug, ENT and ophthalmoscopy components; (2) to give the student the opportunity to continue to develop skills of physical examination; (3) to integrate closely the theoretical information taught in the parallel third year subjects; and (4) to provide the students with relevant clinical experiences through a series of visits to general practice, obstetrics and gynaecology units and a community pharmacy.

Synopsis Continuation of the introduction commenced in second year on medical history taking and physical examination. There will be three major components: lecture-style teaching, clinical skills tutorial sessions, and clinical contact visits. Content will focus on the neurological and genitourinary systems and special senses and taking a drug history. There will also be a clinical contact visit related to communication in pregnancy. It will then encompass a summary of the course content in the second year, as well as this semester's work, so students will have a broad coverage of basic skills of history-taking and physical examination of all the major body systems. Students will also commence a family case study, which will continue into MED 3052.

Assessment Formal oral examination: 85% · Tutor's assessment: 15%

Recommended texts

Talley N and O'Connor S Clinical examination: A guide to physical diagnosis 3rd edn, MacLennon and Petty, 1996 or
Munro J and Edwards CRW (eds) Macleod's clinical examination 9th edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1995

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