
Cell and molecular biology II

Professor M T W Hearn (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Objectives The aim of this subject is to provide students with more advanced principles of cell and molecular biology. The objectives of the subject are for students: to understand the principles underlying the biosynthesis of storage, structural and informational macromolecules; to be able to evaluate scientific observations associated with the structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins; to be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of the regulation of cellular metabolism and cell-cell communication; to have an appreciation of the mechanism and dynamics of cell division in developing, growing mammals; and to have developed problem-solving and practical skills related to the evaluation of basic laboratory experiments with a cell and molecular biology content.

Synopsis The fundamentals of the structure and synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins. The structure and synthesis of glycogen from glucose and other sources, the structure and synthesis of lipids. The molecular basis of enzyme activity, cellular metabolism and the response of cells to signals. Principles of cell and mechanisms of cell division.

Assessment Examinations (2 hrs): 90% · Small-group teaching and practical sessions: 10%

Recommended texts

Lehninger A L and others Principles of biochemistry 2nd edn, Worth Publishers, 1993
Marks D B, Marks A D and Smith C M Basic medical biochemistry Williams and Wilkins, 1996
McKee T and McKee J R Biochemistry: An introduction Brown, 1996

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