
Rural occupational health and safety

Dr J Greacen

Distance education · First semester/second semester

Synopsis You will be able to describe current occupational health and safety principles and their application in the major rural industries in Australia; discuss the role of occupational health and safety legislation and other strategies currently in operation to address common rural occupational health and safety problems; identify and describe the key occupational health and safety problems in Australian agriculture; and be familiar with organisations at the local, state and national levels which have responsibility for health and safety in rural industries. You will develop both an understanding of current rural occupational health and safety issues and, more importantly, the relevant principles used to effectively address current and future occupational health and safety problems to achieve an amelioration of their impact in rural communities. Topics include an introduction to occupational health and safety; the role of occupational health and safety legislation; occupational health and safety in rural communities; rural occupational health and safety hazards - introduction; major occupational health and safety hazards - noise; manual handling; dust farming hazards - farm machinery; farm animals; farm chemicals; the family in the farm workplace; Australian farm health and safety programs
Special requirements Access to personal computer facilities and modem is desirable but not essential. Residential attendance is not required.

Assessment Written assignments · Journals · Teleconference participation

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