
Counselling for rural practitioners

Mr J Hovel

Distance education · First semester/second semester

Synopsis When you have completed this subject you should be able to demonstrate a basic level of competence in the practice of counselling; outline a range of current psychological theories as they relate to the practice of counselling; outline the therapeutic techniques which derive from each of the different theories; and articulate, at least to some extent, your own theoretical framework. The subject consists of two separate strands of study which you will find become integrated over the longer time frame. Strand 1 focuses on the practical skills of being a counsellor, including basic attending and relationship skills; information gathering; getting client commitment to change; planning for and monitoring change programs. Strand 2 focuses on a range of theories about the factors underlying the development of dysfunctional patterns of living and the treatment of such difficulties, including theories about personality; therapeutic models; recommended client groups; research findings.
Special requirements Access to personal computer facilities and modem is desirable but not essential. Residential attendance is not required.

Assessment Written assignments · Journals · Teleconference participation

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