
Drug and alcohol issues in rural communities

Dr R Hall

Distance education · First semester/second semester

Synopsis This subject has been designed to enable you to develop an appreciation of the way drug and alcohol use, and related problems, are viewed by different cultures over time; consider local attitudes towards drug and alcohol use; evaluate rural attitudes and strategies for managing alcohol and other drug problems in terms of current government policies; develop the confidence and competence to intervene, minimise harm, and adopt an integrated approach to the management of alcohol and other drug-related problems in rural communities. Topics include the history and management of alcohol and other drug use; defining drug problems - problems of definition; the development of models for understanding and managing alcohol and other drug problems; public health and harm minimisation; special groups, special risks and problems; generalist health workers in rural communities; understanding change; promoting change; managing alcohol and other drug problems - detection and assessment; treatment and evaluation; dependence and withdrawal.
Special requirements Access to personal computer facilities and modem is desirable but not essential. Residential attendance is not required.

Assessment Written assignments · Journals · Teleconference participation

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