
Advanced midwifery practice 2*

*Pending Council approval

Ms K Chouzadjian

6 points · 24 hours lecture · 132 hours clinical · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based and student driven activities, it is expected that the student will be able to promote a collaborative relationship with other health care providers and consumers in planning and delivering comprehensive health care for childbearing women and their families; demonstrate clinical leadership by functioning as a team leader, role model, preceptor, facilitator and advocate for professional practice standards; critically analyse current health care policies, resources, and community services that impact on the delivery of midwifery care; explore innovations which impact on health promotion programs and apply them to practice; utilise advanced practice skills to engage in the delivery of midwifery services both within and outside the boundaries of health care facilities.

Synopsis This subject provides the opportunity for midwifery practitioners to demonstrate clinical leadership in the provision of quality midwifery practice for episodes of care across the health continuum. Exploration of complex client needs and health care resources will be undertaken as well as critique and analysis of advanced midwifery practice. This will facilitate the development of the advanced midwifery practitioner role and inform future directions for practice.

Assessment A learning contract will be negotiated between the student and subject coordinator. A report of the learning contract equivalent to 5000 words will be assessed.

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