
Advanced midwifery practice 1*

*Pending Council approval

Ms D Phillips

6 points · 24 hours theory · 132 hours clinical · First semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based and student driven activities, it is expected that the student will be able to identify opportunities for midwifery role extension and expansion within the current climate of changing health care delivery; solve complex midwifery health care problems that require advanced midwifery assessment and intervention skills; demonstrate integration of in-depth midwifery knowledge with concepts of advanced assessment, intervention and evaluation; improve client and family outcomes through the application of educational concepts and skills; apply critically reflective skills to determine outcomes of care and care modalities; establish collaborative relationships with other health care providers and consumers in planning and delivering comprehensive midwifery care for the individual childbearing woman and her family; demonstrate leadership by functioning as a clinical resource and consultant in the management of midwifery client care.

Synopsis This subject places major emphasis on the development of evolving roles and skills central to advanced midwifery practice. The aim of this subject is to enable students to examine contemporary issues in midwifery and analyse specific issues in the context of individual practices.

Assessment A formal seminar presentation with the submission of a seminar paper equivalent to 2500 to 3000 words: 50% · Clinical portfolio: 50%

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